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GPS Mapping Software

GPS Mapping Software
Cheap option for tight arsed RDBYC members...?

Dudes and dudess's

found this site http://www.oziexplorer.com/

which has software which will run on your PC and when interfaced with your GPS - gives you real-time positioning on your PC.
There's a whole lot of stuff on there about how to scan and download and merge maps which you then import into your PC.

Thought it might be of interest to you all, as it's a well known fact that most RDBYC members and their sorry-arsed hanger-ons are really tight bastards and this could save you a heap of money.

All you need is the software, a scanner, charts (or maps), a program for manipulating like Paint Shop Pro 4 (available as shareware), and time (which most of you have due to either bludging, dodging or ducking when it comes to that terrible word 'WORK')

I haven't used it or know anyone who uses it but it has great potential.

Report back and receive one free session with' Frank The Gimp'. Be quick......offer closes soon....

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