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** Where is S/V Jubilation**
Jubilation on her lips

** Where is S/V Jubilation**

Greetings—As you know the RDBYC members have been involved with something that they are very skilled with. SLOTH AND MEDIACRITY Or perhaps just plain olde laziest which has caused the failure of our Web Site to remain a source of updated news and information as to where it’s members are and what they are up to. Wes has revived our page so perhaps we all have another chance to share our life of debauchery and sailing experience with other members and those who hang out in the cheesy lives just arm chairing the excitement of sailing.


Enough of this. Jubilation is currently in the Med. In Finike Turkey, to be more exact. A very pleasant area of Turkey. Finike is not a tourist destination and many Turks have never even heard of this lovely town located about 130K Southwest of Antalya. Basically a farming and fishing community with about 10,000 people, according to the posted sign as one enters the town. A number of ex-pats life here as well as very pleasant Turks. Finike is near heaps of great anchorages, parks, and ruins. Never a dull day when, after ones adventure, one can indulge in a Efes beer, or 3, or perhaps a raki or 2 watching the sun set behind the mountains and eating pide or maybe a kebab. And of course a cay (Turkish tea) served in wee tulip shaped glasses. Anyway this ends my first report about “WHERE IS JUBILATION”.


If any of you RDBYC members wish to, again, help Wes and I with missives to add to our web page please contact me at rdbycprd@yahoo.com. Would love to add your insights, usually, into our page. Cheers Frank

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